
To be good stewards of the next generation by planting seeds of faith, fostering diversity, and harvesting authenticity. 


We believe that God is the owner and that we are the stewards of our bodies, finances, and people in our lives. Proper stewardship leaves room for God to work. When faith, people and economics intersect, a good steward will provide guidance for gifts we have received making room for God to move.

We believe that actions should be congruent with speech and that everyone should be able to be loved as themselves. The ability to be transparent can be found in an environment where fear and judgment is not promoted and love and grace exists. Authentic people are stepping stones to better culture and communities.

Faith is assurance of things hoped for, and conviction of things we cannot see. We believe that God is the author of our faith through the Holy Spirit. We see proof in the manifestation of God’s gifts through prayer and will faithfully pray to the completion of His works here on earth.





My Story

A Letter


2020 is a year to remember. Crisis reveals character, and we have the opportunity to learn and grow.

I believe that for many years my ignorance has been disguised as innocence. What I didn’t know was a wall that allowed me to hide behind it. We need to create time and space to break down walls and build bridges to those who don’t look like me and those who don’t look like you. I believe grace is the key to being a better me and that I’m often selfish and graceless, which seems to be a default human trait.

Grace is a learned behavior and transcends us above humanity. Grace is hard for the giver, but to the receiver, it is free. If accepted, grace changes both parties for the better. This miracle is called reconciliation. The only real picture I know of this is Jesus. Jesus came to earth as a man, eating and drinking. What could be more human than that? I believe that healing happens at the table; that food is grace. Could you be the secret sauce?

Now is the time to empower the community to build bridges for authentic living by promoting grace and healing.

The fact is, everyone eats. No matter what race, age, or background. What better platform can you think of to bring us together?

Let’s make room at the table for our neighbor. Let’s share our food, stories, and our heritage. Let us eat!

The following pages will discuss financial needs and launch initiatives as we spread our light into the Cedar Valley and beyond.