Be You

Training the Leaders of Tomorrow

BE YOU is designed to raise leaders from our youth to stand up for each other. Today more than ever, we need to challenge young people to grow and become leaders. When challenged, they will respond. Utilizing the World Grace Project as a platform we guide them through a curriculum to navigate life in four areas. Standing up to be counted, building character, self-esteem, and learn to fail forward when we fall. We extend an invitation to our brothers and sisters to take the steps and responsibility to lift our community through leadership and learn from each other.

Faith-Based Community Launch

  • Establish and test curriculum through churches & Christian community outreach programs
  • Promote continued leadership learning by placing Be You “graduates” in the community to further their experience
  • Program growth with new leaders organizing and promoting new Be You leadership training courses for their peers

School and Community Events

  • Convocational programs that share the four key topics: Failing Forward; Standing up; Character; Self-image
  • Support for educational professionals

Be You International Training Groups

  • Teaching through local youth programs and initiatives
  • Online partnerships and discussion with other Be You leaders, throughout the world.

Sustainable Development Program

  • Utilize graduates to lead new Be You groups
  • Challenge each group with four key questions finding purpose; What--the one thing they are willing to stand up for? Why--find the reason for their passion How--create a plan to execute for the future
  • Challenge everyone to use their influence for good to create a community of “change agents.”